Monthly Update – February
Which in this case is actually going to cover the last two months… but who’s counting! We kicked off the year with a nice solid sprint on the game. Ben has recently moved on from his work at FMOD and is now a freelance codeninja, which means Spies & Soldiers will be getting more time and attention. So what’s been happening lately?

Procedural Cartography: The Bones
In this first development diary post, I’m going to talk a bit about the generator that creates the underlying data behind a Spies & Soldiers map – the bare bones of information, before they’re overlaid with a nice stylish skin by the rendering systems […]

Tablet Tests
Ben got a very rudimentary version of the game up and running on his android tablet! Not really that functional yet, but still exciting to see how it might feel running on a handheld device. We always intended Spies & Soldiers to be a tablet game, the format suits digital boardgames perfectly, but the logistics […]

Building A Website
Tinkering with a new wordpress website! Just somewhere to host our developer blog, the basic info about the game, and an email list where people can sign up if they’re interested in staying informed of our progress.

A New Version
Work continues, slowly and steadily. We now have a solid build of the initial gameplay, with proper game creation front end and LAN networking. Feels much less like a prototype and more like a real game now!