Dev Update: Next Fest Retrospective
To start us off, we wanted to share a couple of articles that featured Spies & Soldiers. Was nice to get some press off the back of our Next Fest run! Every Major Upcoming Aussie Indie Game You Should Keep An Eye On 9 Australian Games you can play for free during Steam Next Fest […]

Steam Next Fest!
Steam Next Fest is in full swing this week, and runs until June 22nd. We’ve already done our first live stream, and have had a wonderful response to the game. Lots of people have been downloading the demo, playing games online, joining the discord to talk strategy. It’s been really lovely to see people engaging […]

Dev Update: Demo On The Horizon
There’s been quite a bit going on since our last post. Unfortunately, a sudden covid lockdown in Melbourne means that everyone has been stuck at home for the past two weeks, and sadly we had to cancel our local event at Pixel Bar. It’s been a tough year for everyone and after months of relative […]

Dev Update & Upcoming Events
We’re back with another dev update, but first some exciting news. Spies & Soldiers is going to be part of… STEAM NEXT FEST! We’ll have a shiny new demo available to play, some fancy live streams throughout the event, and Spies & Soldiers will be featured alongside many other amazing new games.

Dev Update: Mid-May
Maddy here! We’re trying a new format for our dev updates, something a bit more conversational, chatting with the team about their recent work. I’ll start. Over the past few weeks I’ve been looking into cool things for our discord (tournaments are in the works), as well as a fun physical event that could happen […]

A Short History of What Happened Next
It sure has been a while since we last wrote an update! We’ve been hard at work on the development for Spies & Soldiers, and a lot has happened in the meantime. So here’s a (somewhat) short recap of what’s gone down since we last posted.

Film Victoria Funding
We’re very excited to announce that Film Victoria have generously awarded us funding to assist with developing and marketing of Spies & Soldiers!

Turnip Management
A while back we were trying to solve an issue that came up in our playtests, where we would end up with increasingly large armies sitting next to each other, with both players building new soldiers every turn, trying to outpace each other. Another problem could also arise where one player would turtle, holing up […]

Terrain Effects
We have recently added terrain effects to the game, so mountains, forests and plains are no longer just cosmetic. Having these additional variables coming out of the map generation process makes each map feel more distinctive. As well as the connectivity of the regions, you now need to consider the terrain in each region when […]

…just sleeping.
Despite appearances, we’re not dead – just sleeping. Well, not exactly ‘sleeping’, more like ‘being too busy with life and projects to update the website’. But it’s a shiny new year, what better time for another ‘monthly’ update! We’ve both been working hard, but as always, when pushed for time it’s hard to keep dev […]